George Husek Shifu , Master of Fu Zhua Pai/Fu Jow (Tiger Claw Boxing) and Taiji TangLang (Taiji Praying mantis), kindly made a return visit to our Wuguan. George Husek Shifu has a long history of Chinese martial arts training, specialising in the Fu Zhua (Tiger claw system) from Master Wong Mong Toi branch of Fu Zhua via Husek Shifu’s late Master Paul Eng.
Shifu Dale has enjoyed a long, close friendship and feeling of brotherhood with Husek Shifu, visiting him several times at his school in Prague & Pisek in the Czech Republic. With many visits to our school in UK by George Husek, creating a real sense of family.
During his visit Husek Shifu bought along one of his senior students: David, spending the afternoon and evening with Shifu Dale and his most senior student the Da Xi Xiong (Dai Si Hing/Big Brother) at the Eagle Claw School: Stuart Keating.
As you can imagine when old martial arts friends get together a relaxed and enjoyable time is had, while drinking Chinese tea, talking, discussing all things martial arts and enjoying good company together.
We look forward to our next meeting and time shared with Husek Shifu.