November 14th 2015 SiFu Dale returned to Herne in Germany to visit his student and Instructor of the branch- Christian Kubiak and his students. During the visit SiFu Dale conducted his annual seminar on Eagle Claw Kung Fu for all the students, also giving personal instruction and teaching to the senior students there.
This is also a time for SiFu Dale and Christian to spend with intensive teaching and high level training.
These visits unite all our family with close bonds and links of ongoing commitment to the Ying Zhua Faan Tzi Mun system and family.
During the visit good friend to our family Friedhelm Tippner SiFu of Hsing Yi Chuan and Liu he Ba Fa was invited by Christian to partake in the honoured ceremony of Dim Jing New Lion awakening ceremony for the New Fatsan Lion, following the Dim Jing ceremony the new lion performed for all the students family and guests and a very enjoyable feast was shared after the event.