We are delighted to formally announce a worlds first fully online Eagle Claw Kung Fu Training Program.
We have created 47 dedicated Instructional videos allowing students wanting to develop a firm set of foundation skills in the Northern Chinese Eagle Claw kung fu system.
In this course we cover Stances, Kicking, Punching, Striking, Eagle Claw power and developement exercises and 10 specific hand training methods Called Ying Zhao Shou Fa Shi Lu which are taken from the core of the system. Nei jia internal training methods, warm up exercises, all the skills we teach to our direct students withn our Eagle Claw Kung Fu Family.
Each video is personally demonstrated by Shifu Dale and includes commentary instruction, this course is available to access via digital media anywhere in the world and you have lifetime access to the course.
From here any students wanting to take thier learning further within our family will already have made a great start on thier journey of Eaglw Claw Ying Zhao Fan Tzi, and we wil be delighted to help you learn directly from us furthering and deepening your knowledge
Please follow the link below to access and join up to the worlds first online Eagle Claw Kung Fu Training Program
Clikc here : Eagle Claw Kung Fu Online Course