We are delighted to welcome our eagle claw cousin Eric Li (LiGe Qiang) from Guangzhou in China, to visit our Wu Guan (kung fu school). Eric Li visited Shifu Dale whilst he is spending some time in the UK.
For us this is a very precious moment to be able to welcome our family relatives. Shifu Dale took Eric for lunch to a local noodle bar, which is often frequented by our students, then they spent the afternoon together where video calls to Eric’s father in Guangzhou were made and Shifu Dale was able to speak with Eric’s father who teaches eagle claw in Guangzhou. Video calls were also made back to Shifu Dale’s Shi Xiong (older brother) in Hebei.
Eric Li refers to our Shifu as his kung fu uncle. Gifts were exchanged, with Eric giving our Shifu a very special and unique tea from his local town in Guangzhou, ShiFu gave Eric one of our school T shirts and friendship school banners.
We very much look forward to seeing Eric Li again and all our relatives in China.
Ying Zhua Yi Jia Ren